Floodplain Information

What exactly is a flood zone?

Where can I find an aerial photograph of my land to see if it is located within the floodplain?

What if I don't agree with the floodplain maps?

What is a Letter of Map Amendment or LOMA?

What is a Letter of Map Revision or LOMR?

Where can I find a qualified engineer or surveyor to prepare this data?

How do I know if I need a Floodplain Permit?

How do I apply for a Floodplain Development Permit?

I also have property inside the City of ______. Can I get more information from the County about my municipal property?

How many rural properties have flood zones?

What is the County's role floodplain management?

Where can I get more information on floodplain rules?

What if I don't have consistent access to the internet? How can I get more information?


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