Information & Assistance

We're Here to Help!
Information & Assistance
is the first place to call for information regarding aging issues.  Seniors are able to avoid many unproductive calls spent trying to find the right agency to answer their questions by contacting Information & Assistance.  Our team has access to resources both within the Council on Aging as well as outside resources and will be able to supply contact information to a person or agency that can help . 

The Information & Assistance team is able to provide information regarding the following topics:
Dining Centers Housing In-Home Care Insurance Legal Assistance
Medical Equipment Medicaid Medicare Mental Health Services Nursing Homes
Respite Care Support Groups Transportation Visiting Support Telephone Support

Assistance is also available with completing applications and forms:
* Elderly Water Rebate                       
* Homestead Applications               
* Housing Applications
* L.I.E.A.P Applications                         
* Medicare Forms                                 
* Tax Forms
* Other Applications

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